We are finally back with another ATLS podcast. Mike Sharma and Chip Lange together discuss the complex but important subject of thoracic trauma. They break it down this time by addressing key aspects that come up during the primary and secondary assessments. This topic also broaches how to manage the traumatic circulatory arrest patient without a pulse.
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We have mentioned in previous podcasts that if you have questions or special requests to send them our way. Another one of our listeners did just this after listening to part of our ATLS series. This has been a very popular series and we are so glad you enjoy it so much. The discussions that have been built off of this as a result has led to even more great podcasts.
With the recent release of the Butterfly iQ+, we wanted to provide everyone with comparison images and review some of the changes the new device and the original Butterfly iQ. We will continue to work on comparing images and review cases with the new Butterfly iQ+ with Practical POCUS.
For the first time ever, we delayed our normal podcast release to coincide with a very special reveal by Butterfly Network: the new and improved version of their device called the Butterfly iQ+. Practical POCUS was able to get their hands on the brand new device so that you can see what it looks like. There are videos to help compare the two devices and the unboxing of the Butterfly iQ+. Stay tuned for updates as videos come out demonstrating the improvements when comparing the original to the new device.
Libsyn and iTunesWe are now on Libsyn and iTunes for your listening pleasure! Archives
August 2022
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